Thursday, March 5, 2009

classes, brief update

I'm trying to get into the habit of updating this regularly, since I've been so bad about it for the past two months. Let's just talk about how worthless today's classes were. The first class, culture and politics, Hoffmann, the crazy professor, talked at us for an hour and a half, which is standard. In German we had SOAR, where we talk about how we're adjusting to the program. We went to a cafe and talked for an hour. In Regions of the EU, we watched Goodbye, Lenin. It took me about halfway through the movie to realize that I'd seen it before. It was certainly good, though. Not altogether academic. And in PO350, the joke class, the professor asked us to get into groups of four and discuss the reading for the day, then he left the room. The class then realized that no one had done the reading. We confessed when he returned, and he was ok with it. Oh, study abroad.

Tomorrow I'm going to a vineyard/wine tasting for a field trip. I'm pretty excited about it. AND MEG'S COMING IN!!! I hope she gets here ok.


  1. Haven't read this yet...this is a first try at a "Comment".....will comment later!!

  2. WOW!! This is easy!!
    We rented "Goodby, Lenin" sometime ago...
    maybe it's NOT academic,but a clever ruse ...and...some strong before/after
    scenes...we liked it!
